OKEY. I believe that some of you may think that I am exaggerating at the very beginning of the article. However, if the blog in question is more than a hot shower, this cannot be an exaggerated issue. Just have a seat and think about it. You may have had a bad day or just want to relax. Where would you go in this case? I can hear all the voices. BATHROOM. Because the bathroom is where you can sing even if your voice is not beautiful :)
When you think of a city visited by millions of people, baths are areas that can take you away from this mess. If you think about how Turkish baths will do this, it will be enough to even imagine these lines.Of course, this journey will be a little longer than reaching the bathroom in your home.
Because to start this journey, you have to go to Pakistan first. After that you should move on to Greece. At the end it is necessary to reach Mesopotomia and Anatolia. We know from the ruins that it was discovered that there was a public bath in the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan, 4500 years ago. Then we meet the baths of the Hellenic world in Greece. After a while, with the expansion of the borders of Rome, they carried this culture in a different way.The best example is the Sarıkaya Roman Baths in Yozgat/Turkey. However, the Ottoman Empire managed to carry these baths to a completely different dimension. I think this has become the newest, most perfect and most comfortable version of the bath's evolution. Because these areas were used for many different purposes too besides cleaning and socializing.You will understand what i am talking about below.
Long ago, mothers used to go to Turkish baths very often to find a beautiful girl for their son. In this way, they could have the opportunity to see the girls completely. They would bring the food they cook at home with them. They would also see the talents of the girls playing the instrument. Can you imagine your own mother there?
Have you ever heard about ''bridal bath''? If you had heard, you would never want to miss it. When all the people arrive, the bride is led around the bathroom and kisses hands of the older women. The bride's mother sprinkles coins over the bride's head or gives her gifts indicating best wishes and girls sing and dance with music.The bride would be washed three times in the middle to purify before the wedding ceremony. It was also common to take newborn babies to the hammam after 40 days to be washed in the middle. Of course, sometimes it can cause these funny events. If you smiled a bit when you read it, try watching it now. You can watch this scene belonging to a movie just by copying and pasting the link to the new tab.
( Two different families try to persuade the beautiful and rich Leyla lady to marry her own sons.They offer her what they bake.Then they sing and a big quarrel starts with each other. )
Thus, a new lifestyle emerged!
Bring Whatever You Want To Get Rid Of, Nothing More
This title is actually a complete summary of the subject. For example, if I was going to a Turkish bath today, I would just take my phone.Because everything you need is available there.As soon as you step inside, you will be able to guess what awaits you.Because when you see people with pink cheeks and happy face in every corner of the Turkish bath, what else can you think of more than an incredible experience?
Take the necessary items that are tailored for you, wear them and move in for a unique experience.
* ''Pestemal'' (pesh-temahl) a large towel.
* ''Nalın or Takunya'' is a pair of wooden clogs which is adorned with mother-of-pearl.
* ''Tas'' or bowl for pouring water over the body, was always of metal. Wether silver, gilt or tinned copper, or of brass, the tas always had grooved and inlaid ornamentation.
Now, if you are ready, the attendant named "tellak" will take you next to the fountain and pour some hot water down your head. You need the lie on lifted, heated marble stone called ''göbek taşı'' at least 15 minutes to get your body ready massage and scrubbing. Meanwhile, a specially designed lighting system will make you feel different than ever before. At the end of this process, you will feel as light as a bird.
When you get out of this place you will never want to leave, you don't have to go right away.You can stretch your feet in a private area and stay until this place is closed.Or you can take a few photos as we do and sip your drink with ayran and soda(sparkling water) blend to cool off.
(The photos were taken by us in Kılıç Ali Paşa Turkishbath Beyoğlu/İstanbul)
However, you should not forget that each bath has its own rules and features.
Contact us to experience this and more